As the advertisement says this is ‘Glow by J Lo’, or Jennifer Lopez, they are visibly trying to sell the perfume on the popularity of her with the target audience of females about late teens and early 20’s (which is conveniently the age of most of her fans from her films and music). J Lo is looking out at you with a neutral face and her mouth is slightly open. She appears to be in the shower as her hair is out of her face and looking shiny and the light is all blurry like there is condensation and the background is a shower curtain. You can see her face clearly because her head is looking out of the curtain therefore giving the rest of the picture a indistinctive appearance. The lighting emphasizes J Lo’s athletic stomach and also the curves that she is famous for; even though there is a light shining from behind her head there is a light shining behind the perfume bottle as well. This shows that the attention is not all on J Lo herself, it is on the perfume to, despite the fact that we see a lot of her body (using mid shot) I believe she is trying to sell the connotations of cleanliness and freshness of taking a shower. So, what she is trying to tell us is use this perfume and you will get this nice, fresh and clean feeling - just like when you are showering. This explains the steaminess of the picture and the name is ‘Glow’ so the lighting could correspond with that; her skin looks like it is glowing and actually so is the bottle. There is nothing extravagant about the bottle of perfume it is shaped like a normal bottle but then there’s a sought of necklace around it with ‘J Lo’ as a link. This must be why the bottle is so simplistic, thus the design of the whole perfume would be too much if the bottle was more extravagant. Also with a more basic design it could appeal to more types of people instead of just a varied amount. The name is quite catchy ‘Glow by J Lo’ which could be attractive to a younger, but more mature, audience say mature 16-years-olds. (Lastly, the way Jennifer Lopez is standing is to accentuate her curves)

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