Charactor Profiles

Name: Patrick Callaghan
Role in the opening sequence: The man sitting at a desk in the building
Age in film: 55
Race/nationality: Irish, though has lived most of his life in England. White.
Accent: Irish/ English
Style of dress: Suits, dark
Educational background: Self-educated
Personality traits/ current situation: Head of the Callaghan organized-crime family (a leader), loyal to his own family, hates the “opposing” families, in particular the Benson’s. He will do anything to keep his family and reputation above the others, whatever the consequences.
Other information: Godfather and uncle of Juliet. He moved to England at a young age with his Nan and his younger brother in search of a better life. His parents are dead; his parents were already dead when he moved to England. His parents died during the conflicts in Ireland after the Second World War. His Nan moved out to England with him for safety. His brother was the father of Juliet, however he died through working for his family, and maybe he was at fault.
Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone in the Godfather is similar to what we are looking for - an imposing figure who is the 'boss' of a crime empire. Brando has a heavy forehead that really emphasizes the threatening stare that he gives of and conveys a sense of authority and danger to the audience.

Name: Aidan Quinlan
Role in the opening sequence: He is one of the three in the car; he was the driver and is the one that lights up a cigarette.
Age in film: 28
Race/nationality: Irish – brought-up in England. White.
Accent: Irish
Style of dress: Smart with overcoats
Educational background: Average
Personality traits/ current situation: Works for the Callaghan family. He is a trusted, loyal worker for the family and has a high level of obedience towards his boss. He watches over the people below him and does much of the dirty work for the boss i.e. supervising illegal businesses
Other Information: His dad moved out with him to England after death of his mother. His dad was a good friend of the boss; this is why he is now one of the main men in the family.
We generally have a butch, strong and tall person in mind as Quinlan does most of Callaghan's illegal businesses someone with muscle is a must. Andre Roussimoff as Fezzik in the Princess Bride is akin to our idea of what Quinlan looks like.

Name: Sean McLennan.
Role in the opening sequence: Is one of the two carrying the dead body.
Age in film: 24
Race/nationality: English, with Irish roots. White.
Accent: Unspecified, a touch of Irish.
Style of dress: Smart with overcoats.
Educational background: Below Average.
Personality traits/ current situation: Works for Callaghan family. He is a loyal worker, below Quinlan. Does all dirty work first hand and most of the time supervised by Quinlan. He is not a key figure in the film and is “muscle” of the family.
Other Information: His grandparents moved to England, so he and his parents were born and brought-up in England. However he is still in touch with his Irish roots.

Name: Connor Malone
Role in the opening sequence: Is the other man carrying the dead body
Age in film: 24
Race/nationality: English, with Irish roots. White.
Accent: Unspecified, perhaps a slight Irish accent
Style of dress: Smart with overcoats
Educational background: Below Average
Personality traits: Works for Callaghan family. He is a loyal worker, below Quinlan. Does all dirty work first hand and supervised by Quinlan. He is fairly new to the family. He isn’t a key figure in the story and is also “muscle” of the family.
Other information/ current situation: His parents moved to England from Ireland, and he was born in England.

Name: Susie Callaghan
Age in film: 25
Race/nationality: Half Irish, half English. White.
Accent: Unspecified
Style of dress: Classy, yet obvious.
Educational background: Above average initially, but finished education after it became optional.
Personality traits: She is aware of her sexual prowess. Slightly flirty and unforgiving.
Other information: Her mother is English, but died during childbirth. Her father died young so she was brought up by her uncle and godfather. However she blames him for her father’s death. This is why she has a lover in another family, and attempts to murder her uncle (see synopsis).
Marcia Gay Harden's charactor Verna from Miller's Crossing is along the lines of Susie Callaghan. Her role as Verna is fairly classy and she is somewhat of a seductress and we want similar qualities of Verna in Susie - like Susie must be intelligent and strongminded to become one of the protagonist in the film but still remaining a femme fatale (but it is not obvious at first).

Name: David Glover
Age in film: 26
Race/nationality: English. White
Accent: Unspecified
Style of dress: Smart
Educational background: High level of education and specialises in Law.
Personality traits: He is generally smart, although he sometimes acts on impulse rather than thinking things through and allows business matters to become personal.
Other information: He wasn’t planning on becoming the head of the family but rather hoping to finish his studies of Law and become a lawyer/ judge and help the family in that way. However, he was convinced after the murder of his father.

David is intelligent and new to his family legacy of crime therefore he is inexperienced; this is alike the charactor Amsterdam Vallon in Gangs of New York, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, in the sense that David is trying to avenge his father in a world in does not neccessarily understand yet i.e. his ingenuousness is his downfall.

Name: Colin Glover
Age in film: 67
Race/nationality: English. White
Accent: Unspecified
Style of dress: Smart
Educational background: High level of education
Personality traits: He is well-educated and smart, but also street-smart and doesn’t allow himself to be careless.
Other information: He has always hated the Callaghan’s, partly because they’re Irish and also partly because they have always been a threat to his family.

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