Thriller title

As one of the main themes in our thriller is corruption and deceit, we decided to have a title that reflects and works-around this theme. This is a list of ideas that we came up with:

  1. Sordid Details
  2. Sordid Affairs
  3. Shady Affairs
  4. Twisted Affairs
  5. Twisted Fiction
  6. Twisted Specifics
  7. Sordid Delusions
  8. Tales of Deception
  9. Tales of Deceit
  10. Bad Blood

We decided on using Bad Blood as our title. The reason for this decision is because the title 'Bad Blood' conveys the right style that reflects upon what our thriller is about - the reason for the death of the David Glover is because of two family's old disagreement, gangster/mafia background, corruption and deceit leads to his foreboding end. Bad Blood refers to the family and their feud - the reason why they fight against each other. It is because of his family 'business' that stimulates his death. Family = Blood!!! Bad Blood seems appropriate as it was the reason for his unfortunate end and it is also a alliteration which sounds good and easy to remember. The other titles seemed too typical and old fashioned which doesn't match the more modern style of our thriller; also Bad Blood is very much linked with the whole storyline of the thriller.

After all that explaining I made in the paragraph above we decided to change the name again. The new and final name to our thriller opening is Bloody Vendetta!!! This is a more obvious title to link with the storyline of the film than Bad Blood because vendetta, meaning revenge, is the reason why David Glover dies - this explanation is similar to that of Bad Blood above but just including revenge into it.

1 comment:

clhcns said...

I like your choice of title. You need to explain why you chose this. It's important that you give reasons for the decisions you make at every stage