Props and Costumes

A Car

Preferably black, dark blue or any shade of colour that doesn’t draw attention to itself. As it is a car of an organised crime group it can’t be too flashy or too big but has to be considerably fast, to race away when there are any car chases from police or other gangs as they are criminals, and a powerful engine because of the dead body and the amount of people in the car. As we decided to do our opening as a gangster type thriller, and these do tend to involve illegal activities like dumping a dead body in a remote and inhabited area, transportation is needed to do this so a car is suitable for the burying of the body. Cars such as...

The 1990 Bentley Turbo R:

The 1990 Mercedes 350 SDL:

...would be the epitome of what we want as the vehicle in our thriller opening. However, in our current situation these vehicles are quite unattainable and it would be much more competant to select a car that one of our group member's parent owned. Which is exactly what we did by choosing 1999 Saab 93 Sedan as the vehicle for out thriller opening.

The Dead Body

Something to contain the dead body; dark and shiny plastic. This murder is a crucial twist in the film so we thought it best to keep the identity of the body hidden as to convey a sense of mystery and wonderment to the audience. Also, this was an organised murder instead of an impulsive, accidental murder so the body bag, location of burial, transportation is already arranged. Therefore the body bag is necessary to show the level of preparation in the removal of this person and the importance in which the dead person is to the narrative of the thriller.

Inside the bag are pillows, some type of soft synthetic material and a punch bag. As you can see in the picture above the punch bag is the main part of the body and would be the best option, as it is heavy enough to make a sound and for the actors to have some difficulty in carrying it. The other materials are used to make the body more realistic.

Cigarettes and Zippo lighters

You can’t have criminals that don’t smoke. Zippo lighters used to give the characters in the opening a more sophisticated look and impression of higher status (working for one of the biggest gangs). Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain a zippo lighter so we used a regular lighter as a substitute - even though it would have been better to have a zippo lighter ultimately it is not significant to the audience as it is quite dark anyway and really the source of light the lighter provides is the main thing we want to show.

A Desk and Chair

They are needed as we have included in the opening a gang leader and he will be in his office. Maybe a mahogany desk that’s quite wide, something that’s grand and sophisticated that reflects the characteristic of the man on the desk. He is a gang leader of significant age so his sense of style wood be a bit old fashioned and hints of tradition; so maybe a darker rather than lighter shade of brown. The chair would most probably match the desk; some kind of material like leather. That is our ideal option but efficiency and accessibility to them was a more important point so we went with the desks and chairs you find in a classroom.


This is not actually something that is going to be the opening but we are using it as a source of light to create a source of chiaroscuro lighting.


The charactors in the car scenes would be wearing dark clothes as they are the ones doing the dirty work and do not want to be wearing anything eye-catching; also they are dumping a dead body so it would not be realitic for them to be wearing nice, expensive suits.
Patrick Callaghan in the office scenes would, alternatively, be wearing a nice, expensive suit with a shirt and tie - preferably something dark as to follow the dark and threatening style of the other parts of the opening.

We had numerous ideas for the props that are grand, expensive and sophisticated which makes them difficult for us to acquire and in the end we just went we more efficient items. Those expensive props, perhaps, would not have suited the hint of roughness we had in our opening and does not correspond with the dark and threatening style of our thriller.

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