
In our preliminary filming task we followed three techniques of continuity - match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. It is with great importance that we used these techniques accurately because if not we would have failed to depict a clear and understandable film to the audience.
We also used a variety of different shot types like birds-eye, close-up, long-shot and over the shoulder which is precisely and clearly shown in the shooting maps. With so many different methods of filming it shows our knowledge and understanding of continuity and with this being our first proper try in using a digital camera I think we did well. Holding the camera steady and getting use to the unfamiliar technologies of the digital camera and computer programs (like the non-linear editing software), in a way, made it difficult to display what we really wanted in the film as sometimes it was easier to use simpler shot types rather than use more difficult ones even though it could of improved the film.
Our shot transactions could have improved - been more smoother - and others things with could have been improved would be the unsteadiness in our preliminary film for example the the zooming out and panning away from the clock at the beginning and the birds-eye shot above the table was quite shaky.
Regardless of this, we have the accomplished the continuity techniques of match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule like we planned and got positive feedback from other media groups.

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